Nobody should underestimate the fear that a child or intimidated teeneger can reach to feel between equals. These situations cannot be confused with the typical ups and downs that occur in relations among students, especially along the stage of teenage and preadolescence. Conflicts and poor relations, problems of indiscipline or behavioral phenomena are disruptive but they are not real problems of violence, althoug they can degenerate into them, if we do not solve in a appropriate way. To prevent and tackle possible outbreaks, it is convenient to focus and to clarify the issue among all what we are talking about and stop thinking "that all is normal among schoolchildren," or "this is just joke from kids". What distinguises the normal phenomenon of harassment, is that in the case of bullinger conduct is continuing and the agressor is bigger, stronger and more powerful than the victim. It is very important to distinguis what is episodic and what is constant.
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